I Can See My Cat’s Heart Beating – Worry or No Worries?

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Our fur babies’ health is our top priority, so if you see your cat’s heartbeat, it could worry you. Seeing your feline’s heart might cause you distress. Unfortunately, it’s often not easy to determine if your cat seems to have a problem with its pulse rate.

A rapid heartbeat can signify heart-related issues and lung and underlying systemic diseases. If you notice an excessively rapid heart pulse rate, especially when your cat’s resting.

It’s highly recommended that you have your veterinarian examine your pet. They’ll run the necessary examinations to ensure no signs of congestive heart failure or infection.

Help! I Can See My Cat’s Heart Beating

It’s relatively normal to see your cat’s heartbeat down their neck or near their throat. The strength of the beat is the key to knowing if there’s any abnormality with its heart. A resting, healthy rhythm should range from 120 to 140 beats per minute (20 to 30 breaths). It could exceed this range if your furry friend is excited.

How Can I Calculate My Cat’s Heart Rate?

Taking your cat’s pulse might feel a little overwhelming, but it’s less complicated than it sounds. You only have to feel its femoral artery near its abdomen on its back leg. Other symptoms will determine if your feline needs an urgent trip to the veterinarian.

What Other Symptoms Should I Look Out For?

Panting alongside a regularly slower or faster pulse than the average range are signs that you should immediately get your pet checked. However, some of the symptoms aren’t that obvious and need a stethoscope to be heard.

Various symptoms could show on your cat if they were experiencing any sort of heart disease. The symptoms normally range from mild to severe. These symptoms could be:

  • Throwing up
  • Lack of appetite
  • Difficulty moving
  • Severe weakness
  • Losing consciousness
  • Too slow/fast heart rate
  • Inactivity/slowness
  • Fever
  • Seizures

Routine check-ups are necessary so the veterinarian knows if there is anything wrong with your cat’s health in general. Multiple habits could lead to changes in your cat’s heartbeat. In simpler words, a heart attack rarely occurs due to the unique way their body is built to break down fats.

Does a Rapid Heartbeat Mean Only Heart-Related Issues?

Your cat could have a fast heart but no other symptoms. As problematic as a quick pulse is, it doesn’t necessarily mean there’s an underlying issue with your cat’s heart. It could be an infection. Heart failure is the most common result of an increased pulse rate. Consequently, a cat might introduce symptoms as, for example,

  • Blue stains on the mucous membranes (cyanosis)
  • Heavy breathing (dyspnea)
  • Cough

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Big Heart, Big Problems

Several physical and psychological factors could lead to an increased pulse rate, therefore, seeing your cat’s heartbeat. Heart failure in cats could be caused by one of the following:

Physical reasons:

  • Fever
  • Hypovolemia
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Gastric dilation volvulus (GDV)
  • Cardiomyopathy
  • Myocarditis
  • Malignant tumors
  • Chronic valve disease
  • Infections

Psychological reasons:

  • Stress
  • Shock
  • Pain
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What Are Other Signs of a Dysfunctional Heart?

Veterinarians will not only check the feline’s heart rhythm and pulse rate. They will also check the beat’s sound. There are numerous unusual sounds. Such as:

  • Heart murmurs
  • Heart arrhythmia
  • Tachycardia
  • Cloaked heart sounds
  • Pounding heart sounds

What Type of Tests Will the Vet Ask For?

There are also a few tests that the vet might have to run depending on the abnormalities found. The diagnostic tests are:

  • Blood tests
  • Electrocardiogram
  • Chest x-ray
  • Echocardiogram
  • Chest ultrasound

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What Sorts of Treatments Will Be Likely Advised?

The vet will choose the most suitable treatment course depending on your feline’s condition, severity, and medical history. The treatments should vary between medication, oxygen therapy, or pacemaker implantations, depending on the condition’s cause.

Many cats with rapid beating hearts don’t require treatment or hospitalization. On the other hand, ones with slower pulse rates might need to stay at the vet so they can keep a close eye on their condition until they’re stable.

If those heartbeat issues proceed, your vet might prescribe a pacemaker to control it over the long haul.

What Is the Recovery Process Like?

You will need to schedule periodic visits to the vet after its treatment has started. During these visits, he will check your cat’s essential body functions, run the necessary blood work, and perform analytic tests as he sees fit.

These visits are necessary to keep your feline solid. Make sure to let your vet know if your furry friend encounters any regrettable manifestations at these arrangements. Following your primary care physician’s suggestions is a significant piece of the situation.

This incorporates giving him any endorsed drugs and following any unique eating routine arrangement the doctor suggests. Assuming your primary care physician means restricted movement, you should keep your feline inside and on confine rest.

Many felines with heart issues proceed to carry on with ordinary lives with treatment and the executives. However, early discovery and finding are vital to overseeing pulse issues as your feline ages.

Frequently Asked Questions

If Not A Heart Attack, Then What Is It?

On the other hand, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is the most frequent disease in cats. It means, in simpler words, the stiffening or enlargement of the heart.

Why Do Cats Get Enlarged Hearts?

Enlarged hearts are a result of an underlying condition. Some of the most common reasons are hypertension or hyperthyroidism. In simpler terms, if a cat’s blood pressure is high or its thyroid is overactive, it means that its heart isn’t functioning properly.

Are Heart Diseases Genetic?

Numerous cat breeds are genetically prone to various types of heart-related diseases.

do cats’ hearts beat fast?

Generally, a healthy adult cat’s heart rate falls between 120 and 140 beats per minute, but it can vary depending on their size, age, and overall health. When cats are relaxed, their heart rate may slow down to around 60-80 beats per minute. However, if they’re excited or stressed, their heart rate can increase significantly, sometimes even up to 200 beats per minute. It’s essential to pay attention to your cat’s heart rate and consult a veterinarian if you notice any significant changes.

Wrap Up

Because our feline friends boost our mental state, we owe them the best in return. You only have to watch out for any unusual symptoms or behaviors that your cat might be showing. Next time you panic, thinking, “I can’t see my cat’s heart beating,” you know the necessary steps to follow.

Heart attacks are rare in cats. But any difference in the pulse’s rate, rhythm, or sound should get you to pay a quick visit to the vet.

Changes in your cat’s heartbeat could be a sign of other underlying issues. It doesn’t always have to be heart-related. However, it’s always better to diagnose any condition before it gets pretty severe. Then, treatment and recovery won’t be a hassle if you pay good attention.