With their colorful leaves and tall greens, bromeliads are a favorite of plant-enthusiasts. They’ll look good on any countertop in your house, and they’re relatively easy to take care of.
When raising a cat, choosing houseplants isn’t an easy decision anymore. You’ll want to think of your cat first and make sure the plant is safe for her. Otherwise, you’ll end up with an angry, vomiting kitty.
So, are bromeliads poisonous to cats? Let’s find out!
Table of Contents
Are Bromeliads Poisonous or Toxic to Cats?
No, Bromeliads aren’t poisonous to cats. All houseplants that belong to the bromeliad family are safe for housepets. However, if you have kittens, it’d be better to keep them away from the plant.
Kittens tend to be curious and chew on anything they find. They may be allergic to bromeliad, and it’s better not to find out the hard way.
Are Bromeliads Risky for Cats?
Although bromeliads aren’t toxic to cats, they’re still not suitable for their dietary needs. If your cat is a bit too curious and decides to chew on some leaves, stems, or even roots, she may end up with digestion issues.
The plant shouldn’t do much, but the cat may get mild discomfort, and she may get diarrhea if her stomach is sensitive. It’s a normal reaction to unfamiliar food finding its way inside the body, and it’ll probably pass when the cat poops.
In some rare cases, though, the cats may feed on the plant after you fertilize it. As you probably already know, fertilizers aren’t the safest snacks for cats. They contain a lot of materials that may be harmful to felines, including nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus.
Most fertilizers also contain iron, cobalt, copper, boron, and manganese. If your cat consumes large doses of these substances at once, there’s a chance of poisoning.
So all in all, try to keep your cats from chewing on bromeliads. If you regularly fertilize your houseplant, doing so is a must.
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Are Bromeliads Poisonous to Kittens?
No, bromeliads aren’t poisonous to kittens. To put your mind at ease, the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) lists bromeliads as non-toxic, so you have nothing to worry about.
That being said, kittens generally have sensitive stomachs, and they may feel discomfort or suffer diarrhea after eating something they shouldn’t. If your kitten is usually curious, try to keep her away from your bromeliad plant, and train her not to chew on it. You never know; she may be allergic to the plant. Even if she’s not, the leaves may cause choking.
The same goes for puppies, but for different reasons. Bromeliads won’t hurt your puppy; it’s your puppy that’ll hurt your bromeliad!
Puppies are known to be troublemakers. They’ll chew on the plant and pull on it until they get the roots out, so it’d be better to keep them away from the plant if you want it to keep its leaves.
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How to Keep Your Bromeliads Safe From Your Cat
If you’re afraid your cat will ruin the bromeliads, you have every right to be. Cats don’t mind doing anything, even if they know it’s bad. Entitlement runs in their DNA, so you may want to take some measures to keep them away from your plant.
Here are some ideas to start with:
- Put some pebble stones on the soil of your bromeliads plant. They’ll keep the cats from digging into the soil, but make sure to leave enough space for the water to get drained.
- Fill a spray bottle with water and spray some on your cat when she gets closer than she should to the bromeliad. She’ll eventually stop doing so, knowing it’ll bother you and get her sprayed.
- Keep your bromeliads somewhere your cat can’t reach, preferably on a table or a high countertop.
- Use any repellant substance on your bromeliads. Choose something with a smell your cat hates, and she’ll hopefully stay away from it.
Houseplants That Are Harmful to Cats
If you’re wondering about which plants you shouldn’t get if you have a cat, here’s a brief rundown. All these plants are harmful to cats, and so they shouldn’t be anywhere near your house pet:
- Peace lilies: I know peace lilies are beautiful, with their white blooming flowers and their dark leaves. However, they’re toxic to cats when consumed. They’ll irritate the mouth and possibly the GI tract. Plus, they may cause vomiting and more drooling than usual.
- Aloe vera: Aloe vera can cause vomiting, lethargy, and digestion issues if your cat ingests it.
- Jade plants: Jades aren’t only toxic to cats, but to horses and dogs as well. They’re a no-no if you have a pet because they cause vomiting and lethargy upon consumption.
- Sago palm: Sago palm contains cycasin, which is highly toxic to cats. It’ll cause diarrhea, vomiting, and digestion issues when consumed. And it may lead to liver failure.
- Dumb cane: Dumb canes are toxic to felines because they contain insoluble calcium oxalates. Upon ingestion, they cause mouth irritation, swelling, and vomiting. They may also cause breathing difficulties.
- Elephant’s ear: Like dumb canes, elephant’s ears contain insoluble calcium oxalates. When cats consume them, they become prone to kidney and liver failure, along with a lot of digestion issues.
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Houseplants That Are Safe for Cats
Now that we have harmful houseplants out of the way, you can have any of these plants while raising a cat. They’re safe for cats if ingested or touched, so they should be okay in your house:
- Parlor palm
- Ponytail palm
- Echeveria succulents
- Bird’s nest fern
- Boston Fern
- Watermelon Peperomia
- Baby tears
- Orchid
- Date palm
- Prayer plant
To Wrap Up
To answer your question, no, bromeliads aren’t poisonous to cats. They’re safe to be around felines, but you may want to keep the pot out of reach. It’s only a precaution to protect the plant from being pulled at and chewed.
Additionally, if you have kittens, it’s better to keep them away from the plant until you’re sure they’re not allergic.

I’ve been living with cats since 2008 and I can confidently say I have more feline friends than humans lol. I currently live with 5 cats in different life stages; two of them are less than one year old, one is 2-ish years old and the oldest two are 9-ish years old. I’ve developed a strong bond with cats over the years and I’m eager to share my experience through this blog. You can learn more about my cats here.