Cat Sounds Congested When Purring: 5 Common Reasons

Cat Sounds Congested When Purring

Have you ever been caught off guard by the unusual sound of congestion when your beloved cat is happily purring away? It’s a puzzling and concerning moment for any pet owner. Cats, with their soothing purrs, usually bring comfort, but when that sound takes an unexpected turn, it can raise worry and confusion. Fear not, … Read more

Why Is My Cat Chewing On Nothing And Purring?

Why Is My Cat Chewing On Nothing And Purring?

A cat owner once told me that her cat would chew on her hair when she was feeling anxious. The cat owner started giving her cat more attention and playtime, and the chewing stopped. Another cat would chew on her shoes when she was bored. Giving the cat more toys solved the problem!   Chewing on … Read more

Why Is My Cat’s Nose Dripping Clear Liquid When Purring?

Why Is My Cat’s Nose Dripping Clear Liquid When Purring

Is your cat’s nose dripping clear liquid when they purr? Don’t worry, this is a common occurrence and usually nothing to be concerned about. It could be a sign of contentment and happiness, or simply from grooming themselves more than usual. If your cat is otherwise healthy and playful, there’s no need to worry. However, … Read more

Why Does my Cat Gag When Purring?

Purrplexing Question: Why Cat Gags When Purring

Curled up on your lap, your purring feline friend brings a sense of comfort like no other. But have you ever noticed those occasional tiny gags amidst the soothing symphony of purrs?  Now, this behavior can seem puzzling for newbie owners. But fear not—you’re not alone in this case, and many other cat owners ask … Read more

Why Is My Cat Gulping While Purring?

Why Is My Cat Gulping While Purring?

If you’ve noticed your cat gulping while purring, you’re probably wondering what’s wrong.  There are a few possible explanations, some of which are more serious than others. In this article, we’ll discuss the most common causes of gulping in cats, as well as what you can do if your cat is experiencing this. Before we … Read more

What To Do If Your Cat’s Purr Sounds Gurgly

cat's purr sounds gurgly

Is your feline friend’s purr taking on a new and unusual gurgly tone? If you’ve noticed your cat making strange sounds during your purring sessions, it’s time to pay attention! You may know that the soothing hum of a cat’s purr is often associated with contentment. Yet, sudden changes in its purring behavior could be … Read more

Why Is My Cat Purring With Mouth Open?

Why Is My Cat Purring With Mouth Open

As cat owners, we’ve all experienced those heartwarming moments when our furry companions curl up beside us, emitting that gentle, rhythmic purring sound that seems to emanate from the depths of their contentment.  What happens when this familiar melody comes with a surprising twist, though? What if it comes with an open mouth?  In the … Read more