Finding a Breed of Cat Known for Playful Attitude: Top 15 Fun-Loving Furballs

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Some cats are expert sleepers. They chill on the couch, take a nap, wake up for a snack, and get back to napping again. This low activity level is perfect for busy cat parents.

But since you’re here, I assume you’re looking for more energy in your pets.

Let’s find you a breed of cat known for its playful attitude from kittenhood all the way to adulthood!

1. The Aby-Silly-An (Abyssinian) Breed

Energy Level: High

Aby-silly-ans, Aby Grabbies, Energizer Bunnies—Abyssinians go by many nicknames, and it’s all for good reason.

These ticked-coat cats are silly and LOVE to grab things just to knock them off the tables (yes, more than the average cat). They’re so playful that they get along well with pups.

2. Sphynx

Energy Level: High

Your typical Sphynx cat doesn’t just get along with dogs. She acts like one!

Sphynx cats are goofy pals who enjoy playtime to the max.

3. The Honking Cat (AKA Oriental Shorthair)

Energy Level: High

While Oriental Shorthairs are self-confident, they still need their daily dose of attention. That’s why this breed is ideal if you’re looking for an affectionate playmate (with a long, slender bod).

But watch out; they’re also quite talkative and will follow you around to tell you about their day.

4. Singapura

Adorable little Singapura cat sitting on laptop keyboard
Source: singapura_uk

Energy Level: Medium

Singapura kittens are oh-so-tiny, and they don’t grow much. Yet, the small size can’t compete with the breed’s playful nature.

Puras will jump, climb, and maybe even cause some mayhem.

5. The Sausage Cat (AKA Munchkin)

A Sausage Cat poking out of a tunnel

Source: littlemunchiepooky

Energy Level: High

Munchkins are also tiny cats that put their small bodies to the test with lots and lots of playtime. But that doesn’t mean they won’t look goofy doing it.

Some people say Munchkins look like ferrets when they’re running around on teeny tiny feet. I see them as more of a cute sausage.

Readers Also Check: 9 Indoor Activities For Cats Keep Them Entertained

6. The Meezer (AKA Siamese)

Energy Level: High

The folks behind the Lady & The Tramp got the Siamese cat’s smarts and fun-loving nature right. 

That said, the sinister aspect missed the mark for me. Not all Meezers cats relish getting other pets in trouble as much as the Siamese sisters, Si and Am.

Siamese cats are actually social and enjoy playing with humans and other pets.

7. Burmese

Energy Level: High

If you have a Burmese in your home, odds are, she’s doing one of three things right now:

  1. Playing with a toy.
  2. Desperately trying to get your attention to play with you.
  3. Snuggling on your lap.

She’s not doing any of those things? Maybe go and check on her. That curious little thing might be getting herself into trouble.

8. Tonks Bonks (AKA Tonkinese)

Energy Level: Medium

Tonks are a cross between Siamese and Burmese cats. So, it’s not really a shocker that they’re playful and people-pleasing. Expect some clowning around, too.

All in all, Tonks can be both the family playmate and entertainer.

9. Manx

Manx cat playing with a toy while rolling on a blanket
Source: manx_magic

Energy Level: High

What Manx cats lack in their tail, they make up for in leg power. They’re usually excellent jumpers. That’s why it’s recommended to get your Manx a high target (think cat tree) so he can release the pent-up energy.

Side Note: Manx cats have a gene mutation that could cause spinal abnormalities. Remember to have your tailless kittens checked out!

10. The Pixie Cat (AKA Devon Rex)

A Devon Rex kitten on a comfy bed with a cute sloth stuffed toy
Source: arlo.thedevonrex

Energy Level: High

Kirlee, the first Devon Rex ever, could play fetch and walk a tightrope. So, with a bit of training, your Devon Rex buddy could learn some neat tricks. 

Without training, you’ll end up with what the Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA) describes best as a hybrid between “a cat, a dog, a monkey, and Dennis the Menace.”

11. A Con Artist in Fur (AKA Cornish Rex)

Energy Level: High

Look at that slender body and long legs. On paper, the Cornish Rex should be quite the elegant cat. But no, that curly-haired girl is as silly as can be.

She also carries that playful-kitty spirit well into her adulthood.

12. Bengals

Energy Level: High

Do you ever wonder what playing with a wild kitty would be like?

Well, you can try your luck with the Bengal cats. They’re distanced enough from their wild ancestry that you won’t risk getting your hand bitten right off.

Side Note: Bengals have lingering hunting instincts, so their “playtime” with a smaller pet might not be so fun for the little guy.

13. Bombay

Energy Level: Medium

Speaking of playing with wild kitties, the Bombay cat is pretty much an outgoing, playful mini black panther.

He won’t just play with you; he’ll welcome every guest you have and demand their undivided attention.

Also Check: 10 DIY Cat Toys to Spark Your Cat’s Play Instinct

14. Japanese Bobtail

An adorable japanese bobtail with blue eyes
Source: blueeyedlink

Energy Level: High

Fetching, running, and jumping—the Japanese Bobtail does it all. He loves being included in everything you do, even if it’s totally mundane.

The catch? It’s hard to find one.

15. Turkish Angora

Energy Level: High

The breed choice in The Aristocats was spot on. Turkish Angoras can be playful, social, silly, or mischievous.

Don’t just take my word for it; The International Cat Association (TICA) says these cats have a sense of humor and might even play tricks on their families.

Honorary Mention: All Kittens!

Regardless of the breed, kittens are sacks full of energy, curiosity, and goofy thoughts. That’s a recipe for a part-time itty-bitty hunter, part-time clown.

Just keep in mind that this playful spirit can be a double-edged sword. You have to teach those babies to play nice and stop biting!

Final Thoughts

Before adding a playful furball to your family, have you considered what they’ll play with?

Get crafty and put together some toys that appeal to their instinct.