Graceful, affectionate, and highly intelligent, Siamese cats are the crème de la crème of the cat world. Loved for their striking blue eyes and distinct coloration, these cats have captivated hearts since their first discovery in the late 1800s.
If you’re looking to breed Siamese cats and are unsure of where to start, this Siamese cat breeding guide has you covered. Learn about their physical characteristics, coat colors, life expectancy, market price, and more.
Table of Contents
Siamese Cat Physical Characteristics

Siamese cats have distinct physical characteristics. With their lean, muscular body, striking blue eyes, and point coloration, they’re easily recognizable.
Here are the basic features of Siamese cats:
Blue, Almond Eyes

Due to a unique genetic mutation, all purebred Siamese cats have blue eyes.
Siamese cats have a temperature-sensitive gene that restricts pigment to the cooler areas of their bodies, such as their face, ears, paws, and tail. This same gene also affects the development of their eye color, resulting in blue eyes.
Without the mutation, Siamese cats can produce green, gold, yellow, or copper eyes. However, this can only occur when they’re bred with cats that don’t carry the Siamese color-point gene.
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Point Coloration

Siamese cats have a pointed coat coloration. Their face, ears, paws, feet, tail, and (in males) scrotum are darker than the rest of their bodies.
Like their eyes, this coloration is the result of genetic mutations associated with temperature-sensitive pigment production.
Kittens are born white and develop darker coloration as they mature and their body temperature drops.
Body Shape

Siamese cats are medium-sized, long-bodied, and muscular. They stand between 8 to 10 inches tall and have a body length of 11.5 to 14 inches.
This breed’s muscular frame makes them heavier than their similar-sized counterparts. Males typically weigh 11 to 15 pounds, while females weigh 8 to 12 pounds.
Low Shed Count
Siamese cats don’t shed all that much, which is excellent news for people with allergies.
No cat breed is truly hypoallergenic, but Siamese cats come close because they produce fewer allergens than many other breeds.
Regular grooming can further reduce the amount of loose hair and dander in the home.
Coat Colors

Siamese cats have short, silky coats. Common coat colors include seal, blue, chocolate, and lilac. Others include:
- Cream
- Fawn
- Red
- Caramel
- Cinnamon
- Apricot
- Lilac point
- Red flame point
Do Siamese Cats Have Crossed Eyes?

Siamese cats are part albino, and like most albinos, they’re prone to vision problems.
Some are born with off-center retinas, requiring them to cross their eyes to see normally. This condition is called convergent strabismus.
Not all Siamese cats have this condition, though. Some breeders eliminate this cross-eyed trait with selective breeding.
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Guide to Breeding Siamese Cats

Like most cats, Siamese queens (female breeders) give birth approximately nine weeks after mating.
During pregnancy, queens need to be fed a high-quality diet suitable for pregnant and nursing cats. They should also receive regular veterinary care to monitor both their health and their developing kittens.
Before jumping into breeding, though, let’s talk specifics. There are several factors you need to keep in mind before breeding Siamese cats.
Queen’s Age

Cats reach sexual maturity at four months old, but you shouldn’t start breeding until your queen is between 18 and 24 months old.
If you breed her too early, she won’t be physically or emotionally mature enough to handle the demands of pregnancy and motherhood.
Early breeding increases the risk of complications during pregnancy and birth, as well as potential health problems for both the mother and her kittens.
Tom cats can father kittens between six and eight months old.
Health Checks

Take your cats for a full check-up before breeding to make sure they’re healthy and free of any underlying health issues.
The check-up should include a physical examination of the heart, lungs, abdomen, and musculoskeletal system, as well as dental health, reproductive health, and genetic disorders.
They should also be free of ear mites, fleas, ringworms, and internal parasites.
Predicting Coat Colors

The coat colors of Siamese kittens are determined by the color genes inherited from their parents. Siamese cats have four primary color genes:
- C (full color)
- c (albino)
- cs (siamese color)
- cb (Burmese color)
Two seal-point Siamese cats may produce seal-point kittens, but not always. This is because the Siamese point gene (cs) is recessive and interacts with the full-color gene (C) and the Burmese color gene (cb).
If one parent has two copies of the Siamese point gene (cs/cs) and the other has one copy (cs/C), about half the kittens will be seal-point, and the other full-color.
Meanwhile, if both parents have one copy of the Siamese point gene (cs/C), the litter may consist of seal-point, chocolate-point, and/or full-color kittens.
The Governing Council of the Cat Fancy has a detailed breakdown of gene interactions. You’ll also find an explanation of how a cat’s genetic makeup determines its coat color.
Responsible breeders test their breeding stock to predict coat color outcomes with higher accuracy.
How Long Do Siamese Cats Live?

Siamese cats have an average lifespan of 8 to 14 years, but some live well into their 20s. They’re a healthy species that rarely develop serious health issues until later in life.
How Much Do Siamese Cats Cost?
Siamese cats can be expensive because they’re a highly sought-after breed.
Purebred Siamese cats typically go between $400 to upwards of $1,000, depending on the coloring, age, pedigree, and demand.
If you’re looking for a show-quality cat, you may have to dish out up to $3,000. Rare colorations, such as flame and lilac point, may cost up to $2,000.
Final Thoughts
When breeding Siamese cats, your queen has to be at least 18 months old. Any younger and you’ll risk compromising her health. Queens under 18 months don’t have fully developed maternal instincts, which are crucial for proper kitten care.
Responsible breeders understand that while Siamese kittens can sell for a lot of money, the associated costs of cat breeding are equally as high. If you’re unsure of breeding guidelines, turn to the International Cat Care for detailed advice.