Are you a cat owner? If so, you know just how important they are in your life. If not, you should be… you’re really missing out!
Why not show everyone just how much your cat means to you through cat-themed private number plates? It’s the purrfect way to show off your love for your cute, furry friend while on the move!
We all know the world loves its pets, especially cats! There are currently over 370 million pet cats worldwide and around 10.8 million of those are in the UK.
Cats aren’t just pets after all, they are also part of the family. Just as people buy number plates in honour of their family, favorite movie/tv show, or even hobbies and careers, people buy registrations with their cats in mind too. Others may buy cat-themed number plates for their job, such as; groomers, cat sitters, breeders, etc.
Just like with cats in general, cat-themed number plates come with a wide variety. You might just want ‘cat’ on your vehicle, such as ‘A1 CAT’ which sold for £4000 in 1991, or ‘BO55 CAT’ which sold for £9100 in 2006. The current most expensive cat number plate is ‘8 CAT’, priced at £35,000.
Perhaps you may want something with your cat’s name on it to make it more personal? According to numerous 2022 sources, one of the most popular cat names in the world today is ‘Luna’, with ‘LUN 44A’ available at £6,746.
Maybe you would like your cats breed instead. Top breeds in the UK include Persian, Ragdoll, Bengal and British Shorthair. You could specify the actual cat breed itself, such as ‘TA13 BYS’, or ‘BEN 644L’ that’s currently priced at £10,295.
Below we have the Top 10 funny & trending cat private number plates that ACTUALLY exist – put together by the team at Regtransfers.
Users Also Read: 25+ Beautiful Cat Figurines to Check Out
Cats have proven time and time again with their fluffy, adorable faces, to make people go ‘Awww’ and ‘OMG!’. These hilarious cat number plates won’t just have you laughing, but overloaded with cuteness too!
Table of Contents
10 Cat-Themed Private Number Plates
#1: Cat Boss

#2: Cool Cat
I invented the Catwalk

#3: Boop That Snoot! Boop It!!!
Cute Snoot

#4: Cat Lady
Living her best life

#5: Cat Dad
They always come round eventually!

#6: Cat WTF
How dare you tease me with chicken nuggets!! I frown at you!

#7: Cat *NOM*
Get a cat they said…

#8: Loaf of Cat?
What a pure bread cat looks like:

#9: Jinxy
Who doesn’t love jinxy cat?

#10: Cat’s Definitely Have 9 Lives!
If I fits I sits

I’ve been living with cats since 2008 and I can confidently say I have more feline friends than humans lol. I currently live with 5 cats in different life stages; two of them are less than one year old, one is 2-ish years old and the oldest two are 9-ish years old. I’ve developed a strong bond with cats over the years and I’m eager to share my experience through this blog. You can learn more about my cats here.