If you own a female cat, you’re undoubtedly more than familiar with her behavior and the sounds she makes when she’s ready to mate. However, it can be understandably confusing when your furry pal is still exhibiting that same behavior when she has already done the deed.
Not to worry, we are here to help you make sense of why your cat is acting this way. Here are some possible reasons why your pregnant cat may be calling as if in heat.
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Why Is My Pregnant Cat Calling As If In Heat?
There are various reasons why your feline companion may act this way. For example, your cat may not be pregnant or may have an enlarged abdomen due to certain illnesses. She could also be on the verge of giving birth, causing her to express her need for attention more vocally.
False Pregnancy
There’s a possibility that your cat is, in fact, not pregnant and is experiencing a false or pseudo-pregnancy. This is when a cat goes through all the pregnancy symptoms but doesn’t give birth to any kittens. This is caused by a hormonal imbalance induced when a cat mates but doesn’t get pregnant from the act and experiences a false pregnancy instead.
It’s also possible that your cat is pregnant and behaving in a way similar to being in heat because she’s in pain from the weight growing in her abdomen. This, in turn, may be causing her to meow loudly to express her need for love and attention.
What You Should Do
You’re probably asking yourself now, ‘how do I know if my cat is pregnant or not?’. You should look out for certain signs in your four-legged friend that can indicate if her family is about to grow larger. These signs include swollen nipples, vomiting, significant weight gain, increased appetite, and personality changes.
However, your best course of action would be to consult a vet because the only way to know that your cat isn’t experiencing a false pregnancy is by conducting an x-ray or ultrasound test and seeing kittens inside your cat’s abdomen.
If these tests are inconclusive and your cat continues to behave as if in heat, then the pregnancy is likely to be a false one. Don’t panic; a false pregnancy has no adverse effects on your cat’s ability to have kittens in future (real) pregnancies.
It’s best to keep male cats away from your cat until you are sure if she’s pregnant or not because if she is pregnant, another attempt from a male cat to impregnate her could be harmful to both her and the kittens.
Going Into Labor

If you’re sure that your cat is indeed pregnant, another possibility is that the time for her to have her kittens is drawing near. Female cats are likely to call for you when they’re about to have their babies because they’re yearning for your affection and for you to be close to them.
Other signs that your cat is going into labor include the enlargement of her mammary glands, decreased appetite, behavioral changes, and a fall in temperature. If you see all those at once, you can get ready to welcome the new kittens soon.
What You Should Do
This is probably an exciting yet scary time for you and your feline friend. You should prepare for the upcoming arrival of the newest family members by setting up a birthing box for your cat in a warm, comfortable, and quiet room. Check on her regularly and give her lots of affection and attention, and keep an eye out for any discharges coming out of her birth canal.
Male cats should also be kept away from her at this time as they could be dangerous to her and the kittens.
Related: Why is My Mother Cat Biting and Kicking Her Kittens?
Who’s The Father?
Pregnant cats sometimes go into heat when they are already pregnant due to a phenomenon known as superfecundation. This is when a cat is simultaneously pregnant with multiple litters from different fathers or even the same father.
Cats are unlike humans. They can get impregnated by multiple partners at once.
A cat’s heat cycle typically lasts about three weeks, regardless of whether she got pregnant or not. If your cat mated multiple times during her heat cycle, whether with the same male or different males, she could be in heat and pregnant at the same time.
However, this is an uncommon occurrence, and it mostly only happens when you have multiple male cats in the house with a female cat.
If you have multiple male cats in the household and your cat gives birth to a litter of kittens that look drastically different from one another, there is a significant chance that your cat’s behavior was a result of superfecundation.
Users also read: What to do if my kitten is trying to nurse on a spayed cat?
Alternative Reasons
In some cases, your cat may enter a new heat cycle when she is already deep into her pregnancy. This can occur as a result of hormonal and physiological anomalies. In this case, the vet may prescribe a medicine and tell you the best treatment approach.
Another, more worrying reason for your cat’s behavior is that the changes you see in your cat aren’t because of pregnancy or pseudo-pregnancy. The growth of your cat’s abdomen that can be easily mistaken for pregnancy may be due to diseases, such as tumors or worm infestations. These are serious illnesses that need medical attention, so you should visit your vet right away.
There are many factors that can cause your pregnant cat to call as if in heat. The first thing you should do is confirm that she is indeed pregnant by consulting your vet. Once you’re sure of this, the most likely reason for your cat’s behavior is superfecundation, or that she is getting close to giving birth.
If your vet’s examination concluded that your cat is not pregnant even though she appears to be, your cat might be ill, and we advise you to have your vet conduct further examination on her condition.

I’ve been living with cats since 2008 and I can confidently say I have more feline friends than humans lol. I currently live with 5 cats in different life stages; two of them are less than one year old, one is 2-ish years old and the oldest two are 9-ish years old. I’ve developed a strong bond with cats over the years and I’m eager to share my experience through this blog. You can learn more about my cats here.