8 Homemade DIY Small Cat Room Ideas

8 Homemade DIY Small Cat Room Ideas

Are you ready for a weekend project that’s all about pampering your furbaby? Well, here are some homemade DIY small cat room ideas to make your cat right at home. So, grab your level, drill, and measuring tape, and let’s help you unleash your inner craftsman. homemade DIY small cat room ideas 1. Cat and Plant Shelving … Read more

Why Is My Cat Chewing On Nothing And Purring?

Why Is My Cat Chewing On Nothing And Purring?

A cat owner once told me that her cat would chew on her hair when she was feeling anxious. The cat owner started giving her cat more attention and playtime, and the chewing stopped. Another cat would chew on her shoes when she was bored. Giving the cat more toys solved the problem!   Chewing on … Read more

Are Gerberas Poisonous to Cats?

Are Gerberas Poisonous to Cats

Did you know that The Netherlands produces over 900 million Gerberas every year? This produces a wide range of colors, making the Gerberas included in any flower arrangements for different occasions. Their bright colors must’ve caught your eye somewhere. Maybe you planted them as colorful summer bedding in your backyard, received them as a lovely … Read more

Cat Catheter Removed (Common Recovery Questions)

Cat Catheter Removed (Common Recovery Questions)

Our feline friends are amazing creatures, but while they can be a bit aloof or hyperactive they’re going to have a hard time telling us that they need to go to the doctor. That’s why we need to keep a close eye on their behavior and see if there are sudden changes that might require … Read more

How to Stop a Cat From Pulling up the Carpet?

How to Stop a Cat From Pulling up the Carpet

Having a cat as a pet can truly be a blessing. It can be very rewarding and beneficial to your well-being. Their gentle companionship can help ease the stress of everyday life and prevent the awful feeling of loneliness. However, these adorable feline creatures have their needs, and sometimes those needs can somewhat be of … Read more