15 Unique Cat Accessories for Your Quirky Furball

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Seven out of ten pet parents are more willing to splurge on luxury items for their fur buddies than on themselves.

I’m not here to debate the number. Your money. Your cat. Your choice.

But if you’re going to splurge on accessories, you might as well pick unique ones. 

What unique cat accessories can you get? Here’s a list full of ideas:

1. Glow Collars

Source: fisherthemainecoon

Is your cat the life of the party? If so, a light-up ring is the collar for her.

Plus, I can imagine this collar would be great for voids that tend to sneak up on their owners in the middle of the night.

2. Sweet and Cushy Recovery Collar

Furbabies loathe the cone of shame, and that’s a scientific fact. Yup, cones can affect your pet’s sleep pattern, interactions, and overall quality of life.

Still, you have to keep that goofball from licking a surgical site raw. So, why not resort to an elegant and comfy cone alternative? A donut-shaped recovery collar, perhaps?

3. Hunting Feeder

Your kitty might be domesticated. But there’s still some predatory big cat instincts somewhere in that brain of hers.

You can try to suppress these hunting skills all you want. Or you could redirect them to a little plastic mouse full of tasty treats. I’d go with the second option.

4. Interactive Camera

Speaking of treats, did you know you could toss your kitty one from your office desk?

Nowadays, a cat parent can buy interactive cameras that allow them to talk to their pet, watch her, and reward her with a treat. Impressive tech, no?

5. Scratch Pad Laptop

Maybe you work from home, and your office is next to your furball.

The good news in this case is that you don’t need to splurge on an interactive camera to toss your cat a treat now and then.

The bad news? Your cat will likely try to sit on your laptop.

When that happens, the best course of action is to give her a laptop of her own.

6. DJ Scratch Pad

Is your kitty too cool for work? Then, forget about the laptop with the scratch pad for a keyboard. He needs sunglasses and a DJ scratch pad stat!

7. Turtle Shell Pillow

If you’re going to get your cat one pillow, let it be turtle-shell shaped.

Bonus points if you can color-match the shell to your cat’s coat. This way, you can steal Bronson’s (the handsome polydactyl guy in the picture) look.

Related: 13 DIY Cat Tents And Hideaways: Fun Projects For Fun Cat Owners!

8. Over-the-Collar Bandana

You could get a breakaway collar for your cat. You could try (and likely fail) to get that goof to wear a bandana.

Or you could get an over-the-collar bandana—elegant, safe, and convenient!

If you’ve got cute fabric, a sewing machine, and some time on your hands, DIY the collar bandanas and save the money for another accessory.

9. Take It Easy Collar

Collars aren’t just a fashion statement. They can be practical. And no, I’m not talking about name tags or tracking chips.

A pheromone-loaded collar could help with situational anxiety. Yes, much like a diffuser!

10. Rainbow Makers

Cute cat enjoying the light from a rainbow maker
Source: hemleva

Stick some rainbow makers on your window, and you’ve got the perfect lighting for a cat photo session.

Okay, I’ll admit this is a fun-to-have accessory for you rather than for your cat. But who knows? Maybe your furball likes the ~vibe~ that rainbow makers create in a room, too.

11. Custom Pendant

Paws, fishes, hearts, cat faces, and plain circles—these are the usual name tags that folks get for their cats.

But you’re not here for “usual,” are you? A custom name tag that looks and feels like fine jewelry is the way to go here.

And yes, that’s Bronson, the polydactyl cat from the turtle-shell picture we saw earlier. Good catch!

12. Scratch-and-Nap Pad

The DJ and the laptop scratch pads are unique, fun, and practical.

However, if you want something that doesn’t stick out like a sore thumb in your sophisticated living room, go for a scratch pad disguised in a simple cat bed frame.

Also Read: 13 Cat Hat Crochet Ideas For A Funky Feline Look!

13. Heating Pad

Cats sleeping by a window sill, one of them sleeping in a pumpkin shaped bed with a heating pad
Source: hobbikats

Some kitties go crazy for a bit of warmth. They’ll look for it on your radiator, inside a sweater, on your laptop, and on your lap. This sort of cat would probably appreciate a heating pad near her bed. That way, she won’t have to look for a warm spot whenever she needs a quick nap.

Bonus Point: Heating pads can help boost your senior cat’s blood circulation.

That said, you should only use heating pads specifically designed for cats. You don’t want one that gets too hot for your furball’s liking.

14. Over-the-Top Nail Caps

We could argue about the pros and cons of using nail caps all day. But if you do choose to pop a few on your furball claws, there’s no reason to settle for boring designs.

Go for pretty glitters. Some groomers even offer glow-in-the-dark nail caps!

15. Twisty Branch

There are many shelves, hammocks, ramps, and wall-mounted cat trees out there. But have you ever seen anything quite like this? Probably not.

Unfortunately, this particular design wasn’t mass-produced.

Final Thoughts

Do you still have room in your budget? Consider buying an elevated feeding station, a cat condo, or an automated feeder.

And remember, just because your kitty is drowning in toys, pretty collars, and interactive feeders doesn’t mean your job as a cat parent is over.

No matter how many accessories you buy, you need to keep your home cat-safe with all the potentially toxic items out of reach. Then, don’t forget to spend quality time with your little furball and all her shiny trinkets!