Cat Boarding in Portland: Best 3 Facilities Reviewed

Cat boarding in Portland: The best 3 facilities reviewed

In this article, we’ll walk you through the top 3 places that offer cat boarding in Portland. Let’s dive right in. Cat Boarding in Portland Reviews Check out these cool facilities that offer cat boarding services in Portland. 1. Meow Haus Let your cat enjoy the best boarding and spa experience in Portland by heading … Read more

Cat Boarding in Calgary: Best 5 Options

Best facilities for cat boarding in Calgary

In this article, we’ll walk you through the top 5 places that offer cat boarding in Calgary. Let’s dive right in. The Best 5 Facilities for Cat Boarding In Calgary Whether you’re going on a weekend getaway or an even longer trip, there are a couple of places that will gladly keep your cats with … Read more

What Do Cats Eat in The Wild? It’s Shocking!

What do cats eat in the wild?

All cats, from lions to Tom from Tom & Jerry, fall under the category of obligate carnivores. This means that meat is essential for their diet. They simply can’t survive without it. We’ll discuss this in more detail as we go on. But of course, to get a better sense of what cats naturally eat, … Read more

The Best 5 Quiet Cat Water Fountains in 2022

The top quiet cat water fountains in 2020

Cats need fresh water to stay healthy. However, cats usually show less interest in the water when it’s kept in a bowl because it loses its freshness. In this article, we’ll help you find a quiet cat water fountain that will help your pet stay in perfect health. We’ll also answer all the questions that … Read more

5 Cool Cat Condos to Buy in 2021 (#3 Is Just Awesome!)

Cool cat condos to buy in 2020

If you’re a cat owner, then you’re probably familiar with their destructive activity of climbing and scratching everything they can get their paws on. Having a cat condo is a nice way of keeping your feline friend contained while also satisfying their need to climb to elevated spaces. These cat houses serve as places where … Read more

How Many Kittens Do Cats Have? (And How to Estimate it!)

How many kittens do cats have

We all have this cat lover friend who pets plenty of cats and every time we visit them at home we find new kittens added to the batch within short periods of time. How does that happen? For those who are not into petting animals, or into biology, or both, comprehending the breeding habits of … Read more

Why Do Cats Rub Their Faces on Things? (Explained)

Why do cats rub their faces on things

Cats never fail to amaze us with their curious nature and bizarre behaviors. Your cat might be sitting comfortably, and suddenly, it starts rubbing its head against everything in the room, including you. So if questions like “why do cats rub their faces on things?” pop up in your mind, you’re about to find out! … Read more

9 Reasons Why Cats Stick Their Tongue Out

Why do cats stick their tongue out?

It’s no secret that cats are amazing pets. However, sometimes they do weird things that leave us scratching our heads in confusion. One of these unique behaviors is the “tongue treat”, in which cats pop their tongue out. But have you ever asked yourself, why do cats stick their tongue out? Read along so you … Read more

Cat Love Bites: 10 Reasons Why They Happen

What are cat love bites and why do they happen

There’s no doubt that each and every cat owner out there absolutely adore their feline pet. I mean, we care for them, feed them, play with, and end up taking countless pictures/videos to show off how cute those furballs are! But try as we may, sometimes we just can’t figure out why cats behave as … Read more

Best Cat Trees for Large Cats – 15 Choices for 2021

Best cat trees for large cats

Many cat owners mistakenly regard cats as low-maintenance pets. Even though they don’t need to be taken for walks or to an outdoor environment to relieve themselves, kitties still need a stimulating environment.

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